
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

SIDE HUMOR - "Excuse Me!"

My two year old son has been talking up a storm - we can't always understand him - but he is picking up new words every day.

The other day, when he passed gas, he patted his bum-bum and said, "EXCOOOSE MEE!"

I laughed and laughed thinking it was cute. That of course made him want to pass more gas and his little face turned bright red as he kept trying.

Ahh, things I have to blackmail him with later in life....


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Kari said...

I love it! And what a polite little boy.

Shelly said...

Hi, I really enjoyed reading your blog. your little guy sounds to cute. Was wondering if you want to add your blog to my directory?
Thanks, Shelly