
Monday, July 16, 2007

IN THE NEWS - "The Anguish of a Part-Timer"

I saw this article in New York Times and thought it would sound very familiar to working mothers! The writer describes how she went part-time thinking that it would be easier, but it was not the case! She is going back to full-time!

Here is the link:


Anonymous said...


MOT said...

ML, there is no right answer unfortunately. Just keep trying different things until you find what you want/need. Thanks for always coming by my blog!

Anonymous said...

If you're any kind of writer you would be well aware that it is inappropriate to publish an article in full from another source, even when you include THEIR copyright (unless you paid for use?).

The Internet has this beaut little thing called URLs, which can be used to create another beaut little thing called a hyperlink.

That is the only professional manner in which to direct your readers to articles of interest written by other people.

Taking copyrighted material is never appropriate. Providing the URL to the source / owner of the material does not let you off the hook.

MOT said...

Thank you, Anonymous! You are right - the most appropriate and professional is URL link. We used URL links for a while then readers complained about links - inconvenience, urls no longer work, etc. Alas, convenience is the root of "evil".
